• Basic Lawn Care Tips

    Basic Lawn Care Tips

Basic Lawn Care Tips

Do you find yourself envying your neighbors lush, green and manicured lawn? Do you find yourself wondering how you can get YOUR lawn to look that fresh? To get a perfect lawn, you need to understand the basics. Here are a few tips on how to get the basics down so you can enjoy the lawn of your dreams.

Weekly Water
Soaking grass aids the roots to extend deeper into the soil. It’s more beneficial to give your lawn a good soak about once a week, rather than giving your lawn a shallow soak periodically throughout the week. Frequent shallow watering can lead to thatch.

However, for a newly seeded lawn, water every day for at least five minutes to dampen the seeds without washing them away. Once the grass is near a half inch, water daily for at least 15 minutes.

Keep it long
Mowing your lawn too short can stress the grass. Raise your mower to the top notch to mow only the top third of the grass. This will stimulate better root development, which can result in grass that can better endure a drought. Taller grass also helps shade soil, which will prevent weed growth.

Your grass needs a dose of nutrients, just like humans. Fertilizer contains nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to give your lawn healthy growth, stems and strength. Lightly fertilize your lawn in spring and early summer, and heavily fertilize in the fall.

Weed Away
Experts recommend to avoid herbicides and to mow regularly to top off weeds before they have a chance to grow. If your grass is healthy enough, it can actually block out the weeds naturally. However, if you find yourself surrounded by weeds, using a natural herbicide that can develop their power from nonchemical sources can be more beneficial.

Keep mower blade sharp
You wouldn’t groom your face with a dull razor blade, so don’t groom your lawn with a dull mower blade! A dull blade will pull and tug at the grass, making for an uneven jagged finish. Tugging the grass can create openings for pests to enter the grass blades. Using a sharp blade can ensure a clean and even edge.

The perfect lawn doesn’t have to be a fantasy! Stop into Colmar Home Center to get started! Or visit us online at www.colmarhomecenter.com

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